Course overview

Herzlich Willkommen zum Gruppenkurs "Deutsch Online"!
Dear course participants,
We are delighted that you have decided to take the course "Deutsch Online Individual A2".
Over the next six months you will improve your German skills step by step, learning new and interesting things about the German language, as well as German-speaking countries and their culture.
You can find important information about your course and tutor under the heading How does your course function?.
If you have any questions relating to the content please feel free to contact your tutor any time.
Please address any other questions directly to the course office:
We hope you have lots of fun and wish you every success learning German!

How does your course function?
Before you start, we would like to show you an overview of the course and provide you with some information about the course structure and navigation. Also your tutor will introduce herself / himself.
Kapitel 1: Menschen
In this chapter you will get to know people and their hobbies. You will learn how to talk about friendship and hobbies. You will be able to describe other people, understand simple stories and express plans and desires.
Trial chapter: Guten Appetit!
In this chapter you will look at food, eating habits and foods. You will learn about situations in restaurants, find out how to follow recipes and how to talk about your food-related likes and dislikes.

Kapitel 3: Schule und dann...?
This chapter is about school. You will find out about other people’s experiences and talk about your own time at school. Also you will write a simple CV.

Kapitel 4: Viel unterwegs
This chapter is about travel and holidays. You will find out about different forms of travel, you can give travel-related information and relate experiences of your own holidays and travel.
Kapitel 5: Zusammen wohnen
In this chapter you will look at living and types of accommodation, and you will look at accommodation listings. You will find out how other people live, and talk about your own housing situation.
Kapitel 6: Fit durchs Leben
This chapter is about diet and fitness trends. You will be able to understand information about diet, eating habits and sports activities. Furthermore you will look at lifestyle and changes.

Kapitel 7: Was lernst du?
In this chapter you will be looking at different learning styles: from professional development and knowledge of German to learning to drive a car.

Kapitel 8: Beziehungen
In this chapter you will cover relationships with family members, colleagues and friends. You will learn to respond to invitations, relate personal events and make small talk.

Kapitel 9: Kaufen und Tauschen
In this chapter the focus will be on shopping. You will look at different forms of shopping, such as online shopping, visiting a flea market or using a swap shop.

Kapitel 10: Soziales Engagement
In this chapter you will be looking at the theme of community involvement. You will learn about voluntary work and an integration project for girls. You can talk about social projects and present them.

Kapitel 11: Feiern in Deutschland
In this chapter you will look at celebrations and events. You will learn about traditional celebrations in Germany, and how to express greetings and congratulations. You will find out how to organise a celebration event and can talk about ...

Kapitel 12: Alltagsroutinen
In this chapter you will learn about the day-to-day life of young people with a busy schedule and adults in specific professions. You will learn to talk about your day-to-day life, as well as how to state time designations and make appointments.
Kapitel 13: Im Umzugsstress
In this chapter you will be looking at moving house: you will learn what needs to be organised beforehand, and what you need to think about during the move and when you furnish your new home. You will also look at moving into a new office at work.
Kapitel 14: Missgeschicke
In this chapter you will be looking at mishaps of all kinds: days where everything goes wrong, unpleasant experiences covering everything from theft to chaos at the citizens’ registration office.
Kapitel 15: Trends in der Stadt
In this chapter you will learn more about urban trends. This covers themes such as environmental campaigns, city parks and car-sharing.

Kapitel 16: Kultur und Medien
This chapter is all about music, art and the media. You will be looking at German music, music trends and cultural events, as well as how we use smart phones, television and streaming services.
Kapitel 17: Rund um die Arbeit
In this chapter you will be looking at the subject of working in Germany and everything it entails. You will find out about the dual vocational training system and some of the different professions in which training is available. You will also ...
Kapitel 18: Begegnungen
This chapter is about encounters of various types. You will be looking at dual-nationality partnerships and will find out more about traditions from Germany. Furthermore you will learn what others consider to be typically German.
Vocabulary and grammar
Here you will find the course vocabulary, the core vocabulary and an overview of phrases and grammar.
Online live sessions
In your course you will get together with your tutor a total of two times for an online live session. Your tutor will contact you in advance to arrange a date and time for your session.
You can find a brief summary of the session themes for each ...