
Kapitel 4: In der Stadt unterwegs

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In this chapter we are out and about in town. You will learn about food and drink in German cafés, bistros and restaurants, and learn to order there. Furthermore you will look at the leisure activities on offer in German towns and cities.Bu ünitede şehri gezecek, Alman cafelerinde, bistrolarda ve restoranlarda sunulan yiyecek ve içecekleri ve buralarda sipariş vermeyi öğreneceksiniz. Ayrıca Almanya'da şehirlerde boş zamanlarınızda yapabileceklerinizi göreceksiniz.


Speisen und Getränke

I can …
understand a menu – order in a restaurant

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Angebote in der Stadt

I can …
understand and tell the time – make appointments

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Das gibt es in Deutschland

I can …
find information – understand opening times – arrange to meet

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