Entering the meeting room
Our meeting will take place using Adobe Connect.
To ensure that the meeting is successful, we would like to ask you to do the following:
- If you have never attended this type of meeting using Adobe Connect before::
Please check your connection and software settings before the meeting by clicking the following link:
https://goethe-institute.adobeconnect.com/common/help/de/support/meeting_test.htm - Audio settings:
You need a headset for the meeting (headphones with microphone).
Please be sure to check your audio settings in the room before the meeting. To do this, click on the link below: “Enter the online classroom”. The setting “Enter as guest” is activated. Type your name in the “Name” field and click on “Enter the room”. Once you are in the virtual meeting room you will see the menu item “Meeting” in the top left of your screen. Select “Audio set-up assistant” from this list and follow the steps detailed. This allows you to test your microphone and speakers. - Attending the meeting:
Please enter the room 5-10 minutes before the meeting. Click on the “Enter the online classroom” link below. Log in as a guest.
Last modified: Sunday, 17 November 2019, 2:50 PM