Im Luna Rossa

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Paying in a restaurant/café …

The waiter/waitress asks: Zusammen oder getrennt?

getrennt: we’re paying separately.
zusammen: one person is paying for everyone.

If you go to a restaurant/café with friends/colleagues, it’s normal to pay separately.
Tips in Germany
It’s normal to give 5 – 10 % of the total bill value as a tip
You tip depending on how satisfied you are with the service

Hören Sie den Dialog. Was bestellen die Personen im Restaurant? Was muss auf die Rechnung? Wählen Sie aus.

1x Orangensaft
1x Apfelschorle
1x Bier
1x Weißwein
1x Flasche Wasser
1x Flasche Rotwein
1x Tomatensuppe
1x kl Salat
1x Pizza Diavolo
1x Pizza Salami
1x Pizza 4 Käse
1x Spaghetti Napoli
1x Pasta mit Pilzsoße
1x Eis
2x Espresso
1x Cappuccino

How does it work?

Listen to the dialogue. What are the people in the restaurant ordering? What needs to go on the bill? Choose which is correct.
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